Any Taiwan-made PC can swallow much more. The limit is not clear but is certainly far away from us.
I want to you to put a couple of channelized DS-3s, an ATM OC12c, and a POS OC48c to your backbone plus all the BGP peers you can sign up at AADS on a PC.
Yes but you can't put all that on the "loaded" 7200s you mentioned either. I think the point he was trying to make was not that we should use PCs as routers, but that routers we *do* use are at least as powerful as Taiwan PCs (for this application). When Sprint was filtering there was a demonstrable need based on the 64meg limit that mainstream routers had for memory at the time. I do not see that there is any such physical limitation today and I guarentee that the router vendors (all two of them) have learned the lesson of not including enough address lines on the equipment to allow for easy memory upgrades. -vb