On 3/25/08, Peter Dambier <peter@peter-dambier.de> wrote:
proc2pl might get you ideas, from the ISAON tools on
You know, for the last year or two I've heard you go on and on about IASON. A few months ago I actually did download it and the only thing I can find in it is an assortment of scripts to manage DNS zone files. I don't see anything in there about auto detecting the network, automatically blocking DDoS or any of the other artificial intelligence you purport it has.
Peter and Karin Dambier
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
Google searches on Cesidian Root reveal a rather scruffy man running this alternative root out of Long Island, fighting for secession from the United States. I'm sure Most Rev. Dr. Cesidio Tallini, BS, PhD hc, CPC, RH-INHA, APP, AMBCS, MMPR, OEMTDV will get there, one day.
You might want to have the reverend doctor contact customer care, as the website suggests. It seems the website is down.