William Allen Simpson wrote:
Bora Akyol wrote:
Well-engineered trans-oceanic links are laid such that there are at least two conduits running parallel some large distance apart.
And which are those? I was unaware that any were laid that way. My information is dated on that topic, tho'. (The only one I ever viewed was pre-optical.)
A note of personal experience on land sonet: about 5 years ago, the last time I personally walked a sonet installation, I discovered that the "ring" that looked so pretty on the engineering diagrams was actually being laid in a single conduit, without even diverse building entrances. Seems the contractor was avoiding costs of right of way acquisition. My report cost the contractor several million in penalties and redesign, and me much pain. And I've never taken a sonet contract since. I'm picky. You should be, too. WSimpson@UMich.edu Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32