On 4/27/2014 3:30 PM, John Levine wrote:
That is, with CATV companies like HBO have to pay companies like Comcast for access to their cable subscribers.
In a non-stupid world, the cable companies would do video on demand through some combination of content caches at the head end or, for popular stuff, encrypted midnight downloads to your DVR, and the cablecos would split the revenue with content backends like Netflix.
So why hasn't someone like he or cogent done this? Especially for delivery into campus/corporate environments (which is a decent amount of the customer base for the "smaller" providers I think). Seems like a good market opportunity. I happen to be quite interested in optimizing video delivery (triple play, and streaming content) to an access network in Kansas City. For streaming, I know that Netflix has: https://www.netflix.com/openconnect that I can stick in the colo that the access network already backhauls to. Does Amazon have something like this? Hmmm.... maybe we can just peer with them at the nearest AWS POP. What are folks doing for optimizing Amazon streaming? As for the traditional content (hbo etc), my understanding is these can be accessed via wholesale agreements? Satellite downlink (lots of cheap real estate where I could have a downlink station), then I just need to be able to send it to my IPTV distribution fabric (fiber/ long range microwave whatever). Though I understand there is much DRM involved, and I don't know anything about any accounting / viewer reporting that might be required. So it really seems to me, that even with an established competitive access network (located in Kansas City MO) , if I want to offer streaming/TV content (and have all the pain that the big boys have) I might not be able to do it? I can of course peer with netflix and deploy one of their fancy appliances. See, all of this is so locked up and non clear. It's very un tractable to me. I am curious about even generalities of how this all works, where the pain points are etc. I suppose the incumbents are annoyed with folks cutting the cord and bypassing that nice set of carefully engineered video delivery plant, for that pesky ip based stuff (but maybe keeping the ISP portion of the service)? Why don't the access network providers just raise the internet portion of the cost to match the lost revenue? Or work out a Pay Per View type deal with netflix? (Like you can buy apps via your cell phone provider, why don't netflix/time warner work out a Pay Per View that you could get on your monthly bill)? It all seems very complicated to me. Why not just work out deals with netflix behind the scenes to help cover port upgrade costs or something? Instead of all this circus nonsense. That way, you would get your costs covered (by the people who are forcing you to incur that cost), and you would still get your monthly transit revenue. If I work on a particular project for a specific customer, I bill that customer for my incurred expenses. No one outside of me and the customer knows that, or needs to know that. I still bill them a recurring (hourly/monthly whatever) rate, and I bill them for one time expenses.
But this world is mostly stupid, the cable companies never got VOD, so you have companies like Netflix filling the gap with pessimized technology. (I do see that starting tomorrow, there will be a Netflix channel on three small cablecos including RCN, delivered via TiVo, although it's not clear if the delivery channel will change.)
Yeah that was interesting. I'm curious how that actually works. Will it be an app on the set top box?
The other issue is that due to regulatory failure, cable companies are an oligopoly, and in most areas a local monopoly, so Comcast has the muscle to shake down Internet video providers. That's not a technical problem, it's a political one. In Europe, where DSL is a lot faster than here, carriage and content are separate and there are a zillion DSL providers. We could do that here if the FCC weren't so spineless.
Yes. Agreed. I'm (with the Free Network Foundation https://www.thefnf.org) helping folks in KC and Austin build alternative access networks (using wifi, backhauled to neutral NAP locations). That seems to be the only viable option in the US.