On Mon, 29 Jan 1996, Dick St.Peters wrote:
Unfortunately, *their* major customer had its weekend trade show a week ago when a big fiber cut isolated the show from my customer's server all day. Since the company had gone public the Thursday before and had bet its farm (and a lot of other peoples') on good press from the trade show, things were kind of tense, and my customer is in no mood to be told how they're already multi-homed.
In fact, multi-homing is entirely irrelevant here from a technical point of view. From a business point of view "multi-homing" may have some value, but technically it is worthless, *UNLESS* it provides topological diversity. Of course that's what everyone *EXPECTS* to get from multihoming but not that many people closely examine it from an engineering point of view to see if they are really getting what they expect. It starts at home. Are you going out two separate demarcs? Down two different streets? Through two different local exchange buildings? And then on the regional level, are both your providers renting bandwidth on the same inter-city fibre bundle? Seems to me that all of this physical topology nitty-gritty needs to be dealt with openly, at least with ISP customers, and it seems to me that it is relevant to any Quality-Of-Service metrics that IETF WG's look at. Remember, TCP/IP networks were *INTENDED* to be able to continue operations in the event of a war. The software is certainly capable of this but the physical topology leaves something to be desired. Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022 Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-546-3049 http://www.memra.com E-mail: michael@memra.com