This is a very good idea Timothy. As part of the Excite@Home RIF, myself and all others in the Toronto Network Operations Center found ourselves without a position last friday. Any and all help would be appreciated in finding myself in a new position quickly. I would really hate to loose the knowledge I gained over the past year on the grave shift. My info will be sent to you shortly. Kim On Sunday 16 December 2001 11:21 pm, Timothy Brown wrote:
Hey, folks.
It's pretty much a fact of life that layoffs are evident. They've happened to a lot of us already, as I know from talking to many people on this list and elsewhere. The market's terrible, and I know that there are a lot of people surfing through job sites not really finding anything. Those of you that are in this boat like I am, it might make more sense to network with each other - as a result, i'd like to start a recruiting BOF for people in the NANOG circle.
I'd like to suggest as a starting point that interested parties looking for a job send mail to me privately with a brief overview of your qualifications and a link to a place for your resume. I'll create a webpage and mailing list with this information before the holidays, and i'll send a summary to nanog containing the relevant information for both employers and candidates.
Please also include what type of job/ideal function you'd like to be in, and your key area of expertise.
If you're an employer needing to be connected with candidates, or you know of any recruiting firms or friends in that business who are having trouble finding qualified network engineering, operations, or design staff with the flood of people in the marketplace, please also send me mail so I can add that information to the list.