On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 05:59:11PM -0500, Deepak Jain wrote:
I just became aware of an SOP at Network solutions. On a contact change to a domain, they automatically transfer lock the domain for 60 days.
You might want to ask them, but I'd bet lunch this is an anti-domain-theft policy. If one is engaged in taking other registrants' domains, a trick to it is to update the contact data and then transfer the registration to another registrar. In so-called "thin" registries (i.e. where the contact data isn't also supposed to be stored in the registry), this leaves the "history" of the domain at a registrar with whom the (ex hypothesi illegitimate) registrant does not have a relationship, and that makes getting the domain name back to its original registrant that much harder. I can see that this can have some unfortunate effects, particularly in large organisations where different people might be resonsible for data correctness and domain name registration management, but I think it probably is an effort to protect people from one kind of attack that's been seen. A -- ---- Andrew Sullivan 204-4141 Yonge Street Afilias Canada Toronto, Ontario Canada <andrew@ca.afilias.info> M2P 2A8 +1 416 646 3304 x4110