Mark, I made sure with the BU, and they confirmed that ASR1001 with 8GB RAM can handle 1M routes per the data sheet. The difference between ASR1001 and ASR1002 with EFP5 is due to a more powerful integrated RP on ASR1001 (Not really RP2, but closer to RP2 than RP1) and more memory (4GB is max on RP1) Arie On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 5:50 AM, Mark Tinka <mtinka@globaltransit.net> wrote:
On Tuesday, January 31, 2012 06:38:10 AM Christopher J. Pilkington wrote:
Does anyone have a link to a definitive document clearly showing FIB numbers for the ASR1001? I've got an email into our Cisco SE, but I don't think they're motivated to sell us a lower-end box. :-)
On that link, Tables 1 and 3 contradict each other re: the ASR1001.
However, I confirmed with our SE, and he says no way the ASR1001 supports anything more than 512,000 v4 entries and 128,000 v6 entries (which is Table 3).
Maybe someone on the list from Cisco can help fix the documentation.