On Fri Dec 19, 2003 at 06:15:02PM -0500, Charles Sprickman wrote: Anyway, once the circuit is installed, you should get a DLR from the telco, which *has* to show the exact demarc (suite, row, rack, shelf, ports, etc), which you then provide to Level3 with a cross connect order. If the DLR is wrong, expect Level3 to sit on it for a month before coming back saying that it's wrong.
We have actually had fairly decent time getting circuits installed into that gateway. If possible, order your T-1 from someone that actually has their own cabinets within L3's suite. I have about five DS-3s, an OC-3 and a couple of POTS lines and have never had any major problems with the installs. We've occasionally gotten the bad DLR from a vendor and L3 usually let us know within a couple of days of when we sent them the DLR that there was a problem. -Sean Network Engineering MegaPath Networks Inc.