~$45k is the US list price... typical discount applies :-) thanks, -Randy ----- On Aug 8, 2019, at 2:33 AM, Baldur Norddahl <baldur.norddahl@gmail.com> wrote:
45k? No no, the mx204 with enough license to do BGP is more like 20k - 25k or less. It is actually quite cheap, so I doubt the OP will find anything much cheaper without going used or do a software router.
I feel it should be mentioned that a Linux box with 4x10G NIC and some random switch as port expander also will be able to fulfil the requirements and for a fraction of any other solution.
tor. 8. aug. 2019 06.47 skrev Randy Carpenter < [ mailto:rcarpen@network1.net | rcarpen@network1.net ] >:
If you don't require redundant routing engines, there is nothing from Juniper that will cost less and have the capacity you require. In fact, there really aren't any cheaper MX options at all, other than the kneecapped MX80 and MX104 variants. MX204 is really a nice box. I only wish they had a redundant version.
Is price your only concern with the MX204? You might not need the full blown -R or -IR version, so the list price would only be ~$45K.
I'm not too familiar with other vendors, so I'll leave that to others.
thanks, -Randy
----- On Aug 7, 2019, at 11:02 PM, Mehmet Akcin < [ mailto:mehmet@akcin.net | mehmet@akcin.net ] > wrote:
I am looking for some suggestions on alternatives to mx204.
Any recommendations on something more affordable which can handle full routing tables from two providers?
Prefer Juniper but happy to look alternatives. Min 6-8 10G ports are required 1G support required
Thanks in advance!
Mehmet -- Mehmet +1-424-298-1903