I've been talking with our router geeks and we have been debating over the usefulness of route registries. We were asked recently on an application for peering if we consult RADB, and our response was, "We have used it although it's not up to date; Why do you use it?", and we received no response. In my experience, I've never heard of any cases where it has been used. Who should use Route Registries? Why? Is it worth the time? Do people trust that the information is accurate enough to let a route server automate establishing your peering sessions? Is there a limit to the detail that you should provide? I've looked at some of the information that other providers have put in the route registry, but nothing really seemed all that useful to us. Would anyone agree or disagree? Am I missing something here? Regards, Todd Caine /* * Todd Caine * (360) 816-4344 * tcaine@eli.net */