I've noticed a few (small number) of robocalls have started spoofing international phone numbers instead of local phone numbers. I don't know if this is because telephone gateways are doing a better job at blocking neighbor caller ID spoofing -- or something else. https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-consider-new-rules-combat-international-sca... WASHINGTON, April 27, 2022 [...] The new rules, if adopted at the FCC’s May 19 Open Meeting, would require gateway providers to participate in robocall mitigation, including blocking efforts, take responsibility for illegal robocall campaigns on their networks, cooperate with FCC enforcement efforts, and quickly respond to efforts to trace illegal robocalls to their source. Under the proposed Report and Order, non-compliance by a gateway provider would result in that provider being removed from the Robocall Mitigation Database and subject to mandatory blocking by other network participants, essentially ending its ability to operate. [...]