On 6/Aug/20 21:05, Christopher Morrow wrote:
Isn't this just, really: 1) some network gear with SDN bits that live on the next-rack over servers/kubes 2) services (microservices!) that do the SDN functions AND NFV functions AND billing (extending IMS to the edge etc)
I can already see how we are going to spend the next 10 years defining this :-)...
the discussion (I think) got conflated here... there's: "network equipment" and "microservices equipment" (service equipment?)
and really 'I need a fast, cheap network device I can dynamically program for things which don't really smell like 'DFZ size LPM routing"'
is just code for: "sdn control the switch, sending traffic either at 'default' or based on 'service data' some microservice architecture of NFV things.
I think we've just given vendors job security for another decade, hehe.
5g folk seem to have lots of good marketing, and reasons to sell complexity to their carrier 'partners' (captive prisoners? maybe that's too pejorative :) )
Amen! Mark.