As I remember, it used commercial gated. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nicole" <> To: "Vadim Antonov" <> Cc: <>; <> Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 7:02 PM Subject: Re: PC Routers (was Re: /24s run amuck)
On 15-Jan-04 Unnamed Administration sources reported Vadim Antonov said :
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 wrote:
Getting to 1mpps on a single router today will probably be hard.
I've been considering implementing a "clustered router" architecture, should scale pps more or less linearly based on number of "PCs" or "routing nodes" involved. I'm not sure if discussion of that is on-topic here, so maybe better to take it offline.
This is exactly what Pluris PC-based proof-of-concept prototype did in
However, 97.
PCs were single-board 133MHz P-IIs, running custom forwarding code on bare metal, yielding about 120kpps per board, or 1.9Mpps per cage.
In the production box CPU-based forwarding was replaced with ASICs, 1Gbps hybrid optical/electrical butterfly/hypercube interconnect was replaced with 12Gbps optical hypercube interconnect, otherwise architecture was unchanged. That was a total overkill which was one of the reasons the company went down.
I used to work with an Ascend GRF (goes real fast) Router that was nothing more than a hacked BSD os running on a hard drive at first then they moved to a flash card that controlled some custom switching hardware. But all the functions were via the BSD os and I think it just used Gated.
Sounds very similiar.
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