On 25/09/2011 12:39, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
I think a special mention should go to hardware vendors who adopt
On Sunday 25 Sep 2011 23:37:20 Nick Hilliard wrote: this
dreadful practice in network equipment. I recently encountered an enterprise-grade WLAN router from vendor D that has the horrible habit
It is not libellous to associate a vendor's real name with calmly stated matters of objective fact concerning their products.
I'd be interested to know the particular model that you're referring to here - like you, to put it on a list of kit that I will never buy.
Re: "enterprise-grade" - did you mean this as a compliment or an insult?
It's D-Link, if you hadn't guessed, and it's the DIR series. Regarding "enterprise", these devices are not service provider kit but they're not under-the-TV-set either, and our use-case is basically typical of a branch-office set up. In which the DIR works really well, if it didn't do demented things with DNS. -- The only thing worse than e-mail disclaimers...is people who send e-mail to lists complaining about them