I have just tested from Singapore [root@trinity ~]# ping wpa.one.microsoft.com PING wpa.one.microsoft.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Packet filtered From icmp_seq=6 Packet filtered [root@trinity ~]# telnet wpa.one.microsoft.com 443 Trying [root@trinity ~]# telnet wpa.one.microsoft.com 80 Trying On 1/11/2013 12:24 PM, Nathan Anderson wrote:
Anybody else having a problem reaching (what appears to be) the sole Microsoft Product Activation server (wpa.one.microsoft.com)?
$ ping wpa.one.microsoft.com PING wpa.one.microsoft.com ( 56 data bytes 36 bytes from Communication prohibited by filter
I get this sourcing from our network, from AT&T 3G, and from ye residential DSL connection located in the greater Seattle area. They aren't simply source-filtering. Either that or they are source-filtering for
This is apparently the only server/IP they have set up to respond to these requests. wpa.one.microsoft.com resolves to that IP via every DNS server I've tried (so no round-robin A records), Microsoft products that need to activate over the internet only try to resolve that FQDN, and I've looked for others without success (wpa.two.microsoft.com isn't valid, for example).