Has anyone else recently seen a spike of port 80 traffic being sent at seemingly random IP addresses that include the Pornhub host header?
0: 000C3170 A440000F 35F95000 08004500
16: 004D0997 4000F006 F8D59DF5 7C90CFB6
32: 9E010050 00500000 67D50000 000B5002 ...P.P..gU....P.
48: FFFF6559 00004745 54202F20 48545450 ..eY..GET / HTTP
64: 2F312E31 0D0A486F 73743A20 706F726E /1.1..Host: porn
80: 6875622E 636F6D0D 0A0D0A00 hub.com.....
Just thought it was quirky and was wondering if anyone else had seen it. This particular payload was directed at a Cisco router.
Offlist is fine if needed.