19 Nov
19 Nov
1:02 p.m.
2012/11/19 Glauber Derlland <glauber@vescnet.com.br>
Anyone know what's going to inform with Youtube here in Brazil this horrible, super slow it is already 14 days.
Glauber Derlland 81-3497-7250 / 81-8859-3306 / 81-4062-9207 / 11-4063-0189 INOC-DBA.br: 262792*100 www.vescnet.com.br msn: vesc.net@hotmail. <vesc.net@hotmail.com> http://as262792.peeringdb.com/
You'd be better of mailing LACNOG and your ISP about this. Or at least try to be more verbose on the "super slow" to try and make a relevant topic. Thank You, -- -Karlin