In article <848464982.14027.1456503347620.JavaMail.mhammett@ThunderFuck> you write:
I think you'd be hard pressed to find more than a tenth of a percent of people attempt to run their own DNS server. Some do because they think it'll be better in some way. Rare is the occasion where anything user configured would outperform a local DNS server managed by the ISP that does no form of trickery.
I run my own DNS cache behind my home NAT router. It knows about some locally served names so I can refer to the computers on my LAN by name, and it does DNSSEC which my ISP's (T-W) DNS caches don't. Since it's not visible from outside, it's hard to see how anyone could abuse it, and it really does stuff that other caches don't. I wouldn't have any problem if my ISP filtered outgoing port 53 traffic with the QR bit set, of which I should be sending none, but I'd be annoyed if they filtered outgoing queries. R's, John