Eliot Lear wrote:
I don't think people objected so much to the note about the specific issue relating to the bill as they did you campaigning against a member of Congress. It would be good if you could stick to the issue and not the person.
Actually, very few (2) objected. But I have 5 private thank yous. OTOH that means a couple of thousand of you are uninvolved/apathetic. Whether we like it or not, politicians rarely respond to high minded debate. Bills are sponsored by persons. We have a rare opportunity to help kick one of the biggest fatcats out of Congress, the longest serving member, who has been in Congress longer than I've been alive, and who happens to be in the pockets of our worst "competitors". Also, for me, this is a local race, so I care a lot about its outcome, and hope I can make a difference. I've explained why you should care, too. I rarely tell this group about political issues that directly concern us -- roughly twice a year -- and then only in a week where action is actually needed. Engineers should not bury their heads in the sand, especially when it so severely concerns our livelihood. I wish there was something we could do about Turncoat Tauzin. (He's a party switcher, but his own voters kept him in office, incumbency and name recognition count for more than party identity these days). We _could_ be able to defeat Dingell. It's probably the last time we'll have such an opportunity. -- William Allen Simpson Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32