First, if you are getting SPAMmed with <furlough> messages from NSF, sorry. The server does it automagically. I am still reading my mail from home, though now in an UNOFFICIAL capacity, as I am forbidden from performing gummint service... Next, please realize that the operational and implementor folks at Sprint are held hostage to the big bureaucrazy problem: they have to wait each year for the next budget cycle to play catch-up with their performance needs. So, do your best to help them by sending constructive comments to them for them that they might show to their top-level management that is still living in the days of voice telephony with 25-year depreciation cycles on central office gear. Don't stop complaining, but try to give the clueful guys within Sprint something to help them win the good fights internally. This, obviously goes for other service providers, too. --SG (Furloughed Fed) ____________________________________________ Steve Goldstein, National Science Foundation +1(703)306-1949 Ext. 1119 "Let's not procrastinate until tomorrow!"