Hello Barry, Thanks for your blog. I plan to block some ports on our router, which are shown in your blog.
Step 1 on the list …. Deploy Exploitable Port Filtering on the edge of your network ….
Some of our routers use Linux as the operating system, so I plan to use nftables to make some filtering rules. Best, *Brandon Zhi* HUIZE LTD www.huize.asia <https://huize.asia/>| www.ixp.su | Twitter This e-mail and any attachments or any reproduction of this e-mail in whatever manner are confidential and for the use of the addressee(s) only. HUIZE LTD can’t take any liability and guarantee of the text of the email message and virus. On Tue, 21 Mar 2023 at 00:11, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
this company(s) is in the business of spam. they're just trying to game nanog. discussing further a waste of pixels.