-------------------------------------------- INVITATION ================= Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results. ================= ============== INTENSIVE 2009 | Call for Papers =============== CALL FOR PAPERS, TUTORIALS, PANELS INTENSIVE 2009, The First International Conference on Intensive Applications and Services April 21-25, 2009 - Valencia, Spain General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/INTENSIVE09.html Call for Papers: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/CfPINTENSIVE09.html Submission deadline: November 1, 2008 Submissions will be peer-reviewed, published by IEEE CPS, posted in IEEE Digital Library, and indexed with the major indexes. Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org <http://www.iariajournals.org/> Please note the Poster Forum special submission with on progress and challenging ideas. INTENSIVE 2009 Special Areas (details in the CfP on site): Basics on IAS (Intensive Applications and Services) ||* *Fundamentals on IAS; Heuristics for relaxing IAS; Optimization on IAS; Coordinated checkpointing and rollback in IAS; Approximation approach in IAS; Suboptimal solutions in IAS; Distribution IAS; Pervasive parallelism IAS Communications intensive || Transaction IAS; Bandwidth IAS; Traffic IAS; Broadcast and multicast IAS; Propagation IAS Process intensive || Resource IAS; Computation IAS; Memory IAS; Data acquisition IAS; Data compression IAS; Replication intensive IAS; Storage IAS; Access IAS; Image processing IAS Operational intensive || Cryptography IAS; Intrusion prevention IAS; Reconfiguration IAS; Load-balancing IAS; Buffering & cashing IAS; Performance IAS User intensive|| User interaction IAS; Multi-user IAS; User-adaptation IAS Technology intensive|| Mobility IAS; High-speed IAS; Intensive real-time decoding Control intensive|| Message IAS; Monitoring IAS; Power IAS; Hardware for IAS; Software for IAS; Middleware for IAS Complex IAS || Bioinformatics computation; Large scale ehealth systems; Pharmaceutical/drug computation; Weather forecast computation; Earthquake simulations; Geo-spatial simulations; Spatial programs; Real-time manufacturing systems; Transportation systems; Avionic systems; Economic/financial systems; Electric-power systems; ========================== *INTENSIVE Advisory Chairs *Petre Dini, Cisco Systems, Inc., USA / Concordia University, Canada Chih-Cheng Hung, Southern Polytechnic State University, USA Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan Simon Tsang, Telcordia Technologies, Inc. -- Piscataway, USA *INTENSIVE 2009 General Chair *Fernando Boronat, Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute, Spain *INTENSIVE 2009 Technical Program Committee Chairs *Milena Radenkovic, University of Nottingham, UK Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology - Wuhan, China DJamel H. Sadok, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil Chieh-Yih Wan, Intel, USA ========================== ============================================================ Dr. Fernando Boronat Seguí Dept. Comunicaciones Tlf.-+34+962 849 300 Ext.-49341 Tlf. directo -+34+962 849 341 Fax.-+34+962 849 309 (Compartido) UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA-Esc. Politécnica Superior de Gandia Ctra. Nazaret Oliva, S/N,C.P. 46730, Grao de Gandia (Valencia), SPAIN ============================================================