On 1/15/22 19:22, Colton Conor wrote:
True, but in general MPLS is more costly. It's available on limited devices, from limited vendors. Infact, many of these vendors, like Extreme, charge you if you want to enable MPLS features on a box.
Well, I don't entirely agree. Pretty much all chips shipping now, either custom or merchant silicon, will support MPLS. Whether the vendor chooses to implement it in code or not is a whole other matter. If you need MPLS, chances are you can afford it. If you don't, then you don't have to worry about it. For Extreme, are you referring to before or after they picked up Brocade? There is MPLS available in a number of cheap software suites. Even Mikrotik provides MPLS support. Whether it works or not, I can't tell you. VyOS supports is too. Whether it works or not, I can't tell you. But I think we are long past the days of "MPLS is expensive". Mark.