On Mon, Nov 23, 1998 at 06:44:51PM -0200, Rubens Kuhl Jr. wrote:
Microsoft's Web TV Network, with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, uses the real-time black hole list censorship software. Very disturbing since it niether tells it's clients their mail and WWW is being censored nor offers them the choice as to whether or not to allow this censorship. Outside their lame anti-spam statement there is no indication of any censorship anywhere else <http://www.webtv.net/antispam/>.
Thanks for pointing me to a good source of spamming hosts/domains!
IT'S NOT. WebTV is stupid. They are blocking everyone that spams them even once. Including providers like Erols who are known to take swift action against net abusers (but Erols may have gotten that fixed by now.) -- Steve Sobol [sjsobol@nacs.net] Part-time Support Droid [support@nacs.net] NACS Spaminator [abuse@nacs.net] Spotted on a bumper sticker: "Possum. The other white meat."