(a) defining your connected routes on all the routers that would be using it.
I've asked because I wanted to know if any routing protocol redistributes information about diretly connected multi-access networks.
It seems pretty obvious to me that if you have a an ethernet segment with multiple routers on it that adding a secondary IP to each one is more complicated and error-prone than adding it to one and having a dynamic routing protocol notify the rest of the routers on the segment.
Wrong. It makes you think about "Why am I doing it"
It also seems that the answer I was looking for, at least as far as iBGP is concerned, is no. However rather than just saying, "no, BGP can't do this" many people have decided to brag about how smart they are because they don't ask questions about how BGP works.
Wrong again. They tend to RFTM first. Alx