On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
Of course, that's a business decision, but may be instead of getting a new check for the IPv6 service, not providing it, you will lost some checks from existing customers who demand dual stack ;-)
As ted and others have already said: "Show me the customers who are asking"... so far the numbers are startlingly low, too low to justify full builds by anyone large.
Business is also be competitive, and other carriers already have the service as a value added to the existing IPv4 customers.
Sure, and the decision to use their network I'd suspect hardly ever comes down to 'v6'. My point was, really, that the screaming crazy man saying: "I told them dudes to forklift their network" is hardly productive. Showing, if folks can't find it themselves, that there is a business case that would justify a few million dollar upgrade is... A few folks that have a deployment going are ahead of the curve, hopefully they can keep the parts they have running and upgrade away from the 7507 that is their current solution :) Hopefully other folks can make their beancounters understand that v6 is going to happen regardless of their wishes for it NOT to happen due to upgrade costs. Also, hoefully as old hardware is cycled out finally new and v6 capable hardware will take it's place :) -Chris