Our DC (granted, not in the US!) charges a one-off fee of $75 to install the XC, which includes the cable too. Terminated to a 1U patch panel at TOR. Only one end pays the 1-off charge (the customer that requested the order). No ongoing charges. No one else rummages in the overheads other than the DC operator themselves. I guess perhaps what we have is a bit of a luxury, but it's part of the reason we chose that DC over others available in the same vicinity, so it did give them a competitive advantage :) Pete
On 18/06/2016, at 5:31 am, Seth Mattinen <sethm@rollernet.us> wrote:
I would expect some kind of MRC if it has any SLA, service, or support attached. Or someone manages it and protects the infrastructure and enforces the rules of the facility. Or the facility uses that money to maintain the MMR. If it's a free for all where anyone can accidentally unplug it or cut it or rummage around in the overhead causing damage then free is fine. What I don't accept is variable pricing depending on what the xconnect is carrying or what it's for. I don't buy into the thought process that an xconnect is more expensive if it's carrying 10GbE vs. GigE when they're both SMF.