:""William F. Maton" <wmaton@ryouko.dgim.crc.ca>" wrote : at Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:46:11 -0400 (EDT) ..... : :| :| On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com wrote: :| :| > > What are the, or are there any, major international public exchange :| > > points in the Asia-Pacific region? I know about the wwww.ep.net web :| > > page listing lots of exchange points. For example, an exchange :| > > point with at least two multi-regional/multi-continent ISPs. Europe :| > > has the LINX, AMS-IX, dGIX, etc. :| > :| > Not that I'd know, but I'd put a reasonable wager on HKIX :| > and STIX for now. :| :| I think there's also one in Seoul called KIX as well, but I'm not entirely :| sure. Yes, KIX is in Seoul but I think it is domestic IX. In Japan as well there is no IXes which can be called international one. I'm not sure HKIX and/or STIX is int'l one, at least I don't know a Japanese ISP which is connected to them. Whet is the Int'l IX for AP region? I think the answer for it is still MAEs, NAPs,,, IXes in US, at least for Japan. ----- MAEMURA Akinori Network Engineer, C&C Internet Service mesh, NEC Corporation, JAPAN maem@mesh.ad.jp, maemura@mms.mt.nec.co.jp