For ISPs with a lot of direct (i.e., private) peers, on the public NAP routers you may want to consider not installing the routes from the private peers. This approach could reduce the damage to your private links by default-pointing attack. It may also make you less likely a target due to black-holing of certain traffic. This approach is not applicable if transit service is provided at the public NAP. -- Enke
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Re: not rewriting next-hop, pointing default, ...
* To: (Dave Rand) * Subject: Re: not rewriting next-hop, pointing default, ... * From: Naiming Shen <> * Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 10:00:23 -0400 * cc: Randy Bush <>, Naiming Shen <>, * In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 11 Sep 1997 22:02:35 PDT." <> * Sender:
Ha, it's amazing how fast people learn when they have to. Yesterday someone send us a traceroute:
% traceroute -g .... 6 ( 246 ms Naiming Shen MCI - MCI Internet Engineering 2100 Reston Parkway - +1 703-715-7056 fax:703-715-7066 v272-7056 Reston, VA 20191