Going to play devils advocate.If frontier has a ton of ipv4 addresses, what benefit is there to them in rolling out ipv6?What benefit is there to you?
Still it's pretty darn good having real broadband on the farm. One thing at a time.But, let's start thinking about ways to get Frontier up to speed on the IPv6 thing.On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 4:24 PM Aaron C. de Bruyn <aaron@heyaaron.com> wrote:You're not alone.I talked with my local provider about 4 years ago and they said "We will probably start looking into IPv6 next year".I talked with them last month and they said "Yeah, everyone seems to be offering it. I guess I'll have to start reading how to implement it".I'm sure 2045 will finally be the year of IPv6 everywhere.-AOn Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 7:36 AM C. A. Fillekes <cfillekes@gmail.com> wrote:So by COB yesterday we now officially have FIOS at our farm.Went from 3Mbps to around 30 measured average. Yay.It's a business account, Frontier. But...still no IPv6.The new router's capable of it. What's the hold up?Customer service's response is "We don't offer that".