On Fri, 9 Jun 2006, Fergie wrote:
Sorry to interrupt the ever-so-interesting discussions on the list, but this is actually important.
Sorry for the editorial comment -- now for the facts.
The current bill is mostly about Cable TV licensing, with some other stuff like VOIP 9-1-1 thrown in, and doesn't change the rules for the Internet. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/08/AR2006060802... House Votes to Ease Cable TV Licensing for Phone Companies By Arshad Mohammed Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, June 9, 2006; Page D02 The House of Representatives yesterday passed a bill making it easier for phone companies to offer video programming, bringing consumers a step closer to having more choices for their cable TV service. [...] In any case, for those who remember ABC Saturday morning Schoolhouse Rock, there are a few more steps involving the Senate, Conference committees and the President before a bill becomes law. Expect the lobbying to continue on all sides through the current election season. Whatever you think the country's laws should be, you still have time to make your views known to your representative.