On Wed Oct 26, 2016 at 05:10:44PM -0400, Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
My smart TV not only hasn't gotten updates in years, but Sharp has stopped selling TVs in Canada. (not sure if they still sell TVs elsewhere).
When manufacturers provide a 2 year support on a device that will last 10 years, it is a problem which is why they really need to get it right when product is released and not rely on patches.
No chance of being right first time or ever but that's not a problem until it gets compromised
With regards to liability. Good luck suing a chinese outfit that no longer exists.
And pray tell, who gets to pay the millions of dollars of lawyer fees it will cost to sue that bankrupt company with no money ?
Nobody will. This is why a kill switch is needed. If you're going to IoT Safe mark things there needs to be a way to revoke it like with SSL certs So say devices, which phone home anyway, are required as part of getting the mark to check in with $version.$device.$manufacturer.iotsafe.com it's not much more than they do to check for new firmware already You don't want all those calling something central so delegate to manufacturers and if they go bust drop the deleagtion and serve it centrally. An ISP with problem devices can always fake it locally to drop them and spot the polling traffic when looking for them When the device checks in they can with a simple api check their version and if they're allowed to be on the general internet on not. If banned they go offline and maybe tell the user somehow if they can. The deal to get IoT safe rated is that everyone agree to this, the user will be told clearly that their thing will be removed from the net if the manufacturer doesn't keep it safe so it's clear they sue them if there is a problem (or accept it's so cheap they can throw it away if they go bust) Now there's tons of holes in that like an attacher turning that bit off, there may be better schemes I've not noticed for doing this already. All details, the idea is a back stop is needed for when all the other stuff fails. brandon