From: "Jack Rickard" <>
I'm not a marketing droid. But only a moron would think that overall performance would NOT affect the download of a web page, which is essentially what you are attempting to say.
Many, many things will affect the download of a web page, when it's an internal server the primary one being where that server is relative to the customer dialins, and how the internal network congestion is handled. This particular test would favor sites whose backbone is highly optimized for their customers getting to their own web server, and only their own web server. Most servers are put where their access is best balanced, and for nearly all servers, that's closer to the outside world than internal customers, because the vast majority of connections are external. This test completely missed any issues related to inter-ISP connectivity and performance. You could score at the top of the pack with a ISP which was disconnected from the rest of the internet during the test period, in fact, a key indicator that the measurement is nearly worthless as an overall gage. -george william herbert I speak only for myself, and occationally my cats.