Hi, Since recently we noticed "Neighbour table overflow" warnings from the kernel on a lot of Linux machines. As this was very annoying for us and our customers I started to dump traffic and tried to find the cause. I discovered a external IPv6 host was doing a (rather useless due to the amount of addresses) IPv6 ICMP scan on our network recurring daily and mostly during the nights, sometimes with speeds of 1000 scans per second. Due to the ammount of IPv6 neighbor discoveries from our routers resulting from this scan the Neighbour table overflow messages appeared on the machines. Are there more people who have seen this behaviour recently? Is this a start of hackers/spammers onto the IPv6 network? This is the first scan I have seen. I already contacted the ISP for the source address. No answer yet. If I have more news I will post them here. regards, Igor Ybema the Netherlands