8 Oct
8 Oct
6:50 p.m.
MFS Called to report Fibre cut in Dallas on Leased Cable from IXE Corp. MFS uses trouble ticket system known as Scopis (sp?) Ticket #: 215311 Sooth ?????????? Adam Rothschild wrote:
I've heard word of a Worldcom phiber cut between Wortham and Fort Worth, TX.
Can anyone confirm/deny this?
Thanks, -asr On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Richard Irving wrote:
Fiber Outage, Dallas (???)
Circuits to Dallas, and San-Francisco have gone down. The extent of the outage is, as of yet, unknown.... Expect more notifications....(From other providers)
Someone *Kill* a Back-Hoe for me.....
Richard Irving One Call Communications, Inc. 6402