On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 06:04:57 GMT, Ivan Groenewald said:
At the end of the day this is never going to stop. It's much easier posting to Nanog than spending 4 hours on the phone trying to locate someone with a clue in one of these big companies.
All it would take is for http://puck.nether.net to carry either the correct contact info once it's been discovered, so it doesn't have to be rediscovered over and over, or a "Don't bother" entry(*) so people don't have to re-discover that there's no way to get there from here. There's also the deeper question: Why do we let the situation persist? Why do we tolerate the continued problems from unreachable companies? (And yes, this *is* an operational issue - what did that 4 hours on the phone cost your company's bottom line in wasted time?) (*) And yes, I'm *FULLY* aware of at least the top 17 reasons why That Just Won't Work, so don't bother posting a reply unless you've got a particularly interesting number 18 - the *point* is that *IF* the info was listed, it would help solve the problem of wasting time trying to reach these companies.