-----Original Message----- From: Pete Kruckenberg [mailto:pete@kruckenberg.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 12:10 PM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: RE: QOS or more bandwidth
Voice-over-IP benefits from statistical multiplexing as much, if not moreso, than any other application. A toll-quality voice call runs at ~5-6kbps (factoring silence suppression and RTP header compression) vs. 8kbps across compressed TDM.
Do you mean G.723.1? Let's put aside that some people do not consider G.723.1 to be toll-quality. Ignoring that, I would call your 5-6 kbps number to be compression rather than statistical multiplexing. The voice packets still come out periodically every 30ms or so. The only significant statistical multiplexing you get with voice is due to silence suppression. Also, how do you actually achieve 5-6 kbps when you consider the IP overhead? Prabhu ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Prabhu Kavi Phone: 1-978-264-4900 x125 Director, Adv. Prod. Planning Fax: 1-978-264-0671 Tenor Networks Email: prabhu_kavi@tenornetworks.com 100 Nagog Park WWW: www.tenornetworks.com Acton, MA 01720