Hi all- The following conference is highly recommended for all who have a bit of activist in their blood. The conference is part of a national series put on by the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. (CPSR) For those folks not located in Seattle it makes a great excuse to visit... -Douglas Tooley ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please distribute to interested colleagues and appropriate lists. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Community Space & Cyberspace What's the Connection? http://www.scn.org/tech/diac-97 March 1 - 2, 1997, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm University of Washington HUB Seattle, WA USA Will cyberspace destroy society by turning us all into high tech couch potatoes? Or will it provide unprecented opportunities for community involvement? On March 1 and 2, 1997, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) will present its sixth DIAC ("Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing") conference to help answer those questions. The theme is "Community Space and Cyberspace: What's the Connection?" and our aim is to challenge some of the cyber-spacy hype and bring the discussion back to earth to the communities we live in. Howard Rheingold, best-selling author of "The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier" will give the keynote address on March 1. Howard's presentation will be followed by panel discussions on economics, education, high-technology social mediation, and other topics. In these panels computer pioneers, activists, and other thinkers and doers will describe their experiences and ideas on what has changed, what may change, and, most importantly, what citizens can do to make the technology more responsive to community needs. Some of the Panelists include + Peter van den Besselaar, Social Science Informatics, University of Amsterdam and De Digitale Stad (the Digital City), Amsterdam + Amy Borgstrom, Executive Director, ACENET, OH + Amy Bruckman, Researcher, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA + Steve Cisler, Senior Librarian, Apple Computer, Cupertino, CA + Jamie McClelland, Libraries for the Future, New York, NY + Peter Miller, Network Director, Community Technology Center's Network (CTCNet), Newton, MA + Kevin Rocap, California State University at Long Beach + Rolland Waters, CTO, RTIME, Inc. And many others! The second day, March 2, will feature workshops on a variety of topics presented by practitioners from the Pacific Northwest, Boston, Amsterdam, New York City, and many other places. Workshop Topics include + Libraries in Cyberspace + Community Voice Mail for Homeless Clients + Networking for Non-Profits + City Government Programs On-Line + Telecommunications and Educational Reform + On-Line Services: Forum for Collaboration or Technology of Isolation? + Safety in Cyberspace + Civil Liberties in Cyberspace + Navigating the Maze of Telecommunications Policy Changes and many many more. Some Quick Notes... Location: HUB Auditorium, University of Washington, Seattle. Time: On-site egistation opens at 8:00 AM; program begins at 9:00 and ends at 5:00 pm. Registration: $25 students & low income; $50 CPSR and co-sponsors; $75 other. Some scholarships are available. CPSR Benefit: Meet with conference attendees informally while enjoying snacks, drinks, and demos! Saturday, March 1, at Seattle's Speakeasy Cafe. $25 is the suggested donation and additional contributions gladly accepted to help CPSR organize programs like this in the future. Volunteers Wanted: For registration, workshop coordination, virtual conference, and outreach. (And registration is free for volunteers!) Workshops: We are still interested in seeing your workshop proposal. If you have expertise, experience, or concerns to share, please consider proposing a workshop. Please use the form on the web site. Accommodations: We have reserved a number of rooms at the Silver Cloud Inn near the University. Their phone number is 800-205-6940. Rooms are $66 for a single and $78 for a double. Rooms will not be held after the first week in February unless reservations have been made. Air Travel: United Airlines is the official airline for the conference. Please see the conference web site for more information Please join us in Seattle! DIAC-97 will be one of the most timely and significant conferences on Cyberspace themes. We expect an exciting dialogue between educators, librarians, government officials, journalists, and other community members. Please mark you calendars to attend and help us make "Community Space and Cyberspace: What's the Connection?" as important and inspirational as possible. For more information: Doug Schuler, douglas@scn.org, 206.634.0752 ********************************************************************** Aki Namioka, President, Seattle Community Network Association akin@scn.org ~~~~~ Support SCNA - Join Today! ~~~~~ www.scn.org ********************************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the Listowner * * * * * * * * * * * * . To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to: majordomo@scn.org In the body of the message, type: unsubscribe scn END