9 Sep
9 Sep
5:24 p.m.
One of my providers seems to be off line currently. Phones and DNS has vanished too. Does anyone know anything? D Capital Internet http://www.capitalinternet.com/ 200 Sandy Springs Place Northeast Atlanta, GA 30328 Company phone: +1.404.531.0080 Company fax: +1.404.303.1945 -- Don Gould 31 Acheson Ave Mairehau Christchurch, New Zealand Ph: + 64 3 348 7235 Mobile: + 64 21 114 0699 Ph: +61 3 9111 1821 (Melb) I'M COLLECTING COFFEE CUPS FOR PROJECT COFFEE CUP. Deja vue (missing the French accent mark) - literally means already seen, that sense of haven't we been here before.