David, Many times early in the development process hardware options are being evaluated prior to purchase....The need for accurate power information extends beyond system deployment, it starts during systems specification. I have come across many situations where companies were not making consideration for power available by their power supply. The thought was it has the slots so stick the extra cards in (very prevent). If a system is over loading a power supply it is very likely to have premature failure along with potential to damage to system components. I do like your idea of average power requirement metering using simple test equipment when possible. Kevin Kevin Facinelli Director of Operations Crystal Group Inc www.crystalpc.com 319-378-1636 x227 --- David Lesher <wb8foz@nrk.com> wrote:
Unnamed Administration sources reported that Sean Donelan said:
Of course, these numbers are pretty bogus. Most
specification sheets are useless for accurately forecasting the power consumption of the equipment. I suspect, after Sun's PR people realize they are getting beat up, they will go back and better calculate the power consumption figures for their servers.
I'm not very interested in who really has the coolest, most efficient computers. I am interested in getting accurate information for planning purposes. If this leads to computer vendors
information, great. I'm afraid instead, the
computer manufacture publishing more accurate pendulum will swing the
other direction and vendors will begin understating their true power requirements.
The best test I can come up with at the drop of a hat:
Plug server into std. watt-hour meter.
Run benchmark X, Y and/or Z for one hour.
Note KWH's consumed.
This is so trivial a software house could do it if they had an electrician buy the meter and wire it up with plugs.
It will tell you true KWH's, as that's what they measure. The meters are highly tracable back to NIST/etc standards [1] and they are cheap.
Radical idea: why not call The Donelan Test, and demand it from your vendors?
1] Want stds that have been beaten on? Use those proven by products with lots of money changing hands.
-- A host is a host from coast to coast.................wb8foz@nrk.com & no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433 is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433
===== Kevin Facinelli www.colosource.com webmaster@colosource.com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices http://auctions.yahoo.com/