----- Original Message ----- From: <haesu@towardex.com> To: "Paul" <paul@rusko.us> Cc: <haesu@towardex.com>; "james" <hackerwacker@cybermesa.com>; "Danny Burns" <danny.burns@dial.pipex.com>; <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:06 PM Subject: Re: PC Routers (was Re: /24s run amuck)
... and we care because? the router is a black box. if the output is not what is expected, it matters not why. though understandable, it is still not acceptable. </imho>
and you blame zebra ?
no, i blame the solution. if fans in my switch keep dying, i blame the manufacturer of the switch for picking an unreliable fan manufactuer, not the manufacturer of the fan alone.
if an equipment / vendor you have on your network is not acceptable, do what is acceptable such as (get another vendor|debug the problem|call the support) etc
yes. i handle this by not using zebra/(.*)OS boxes for tasks that are better handled by something else. paul