Shahab Vahabzadeh wrote:
As I look for maps we need at least 3 or 4 outdoor radio, I think in these networks the best solution is to have only one SSID in whole network to give mobility for the network, is this called ad-hoc? or it has an other name?
It is usually called nomad, because it is not really mobility. With 802.11, you can connect to an AP and, if the AP fails, you may be connected to another AP, but the transition takes considerable amount of time not tolerable for voice communication, which is why it is not called mobility. If you want mobility, have different SSIDs for APs in the same frequency band (or, let terminals have multiple sets of radio interfaces) and let terminals connect to multiple APs simultaneously. Then, run mobile IP to *RAPIDLY* control the primary AP depending on signal quality of beacons from APs. Though you only have to modify software on terminals, AFAIK, there is no such commercial products.
And if there is any good company which can both indoor and outdoor solution
With your environment, you only need indoor equipments with external antennas located outdoors. Masataka Ohta