This one is the published version: El 27/8/20 8:10, "NANOG en nombre de Mark Tinka" < en nombre de> escribió: On 27/Aug/20 07:58, Bjørn Mork wrote: > Because NAT64 implies DNS64, which avoids NATing any dual stack service. > This makes a major difference today. NAT64/DNS64 was the original solution. 464XLAT is the improved approach. See: Mark. ********************************************** IPv4 is over Are you ready for the new Internet ? The IPv6 Company This electronic message contains information which may be privileged or confidential. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) named above and further non-explicilty authorized disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information, even if partially, including attached files, is strictly prohibited and will be considered a criminal offense. If you are not the intended recipient be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information, even if partially, including attached files, is strictly prohibited, will be considered a criminal offense, so you must reply to the original sender to inform about this communication and delete it.