I had started to create a list for brute forcers and have been updating them when I can. It's sort of like a personal RBL list with solely the ip address of the offender based off of some scripts that I wrote. For those interested, the script is twofold: 1) Script runs from cron checking /var/log/*secure/messages/etc, depending on the system. If it finds an attacker it blocks them via /etc/hosts.deny and or iptables 2) My version posts the attacking host to www.infiltrated.net/bruteforcers When I started it, I hadn't heard of or used Denyhosts else I would have modified that script in itself. When I first wrote sharpener, I had intended on finding the abuse contact for the offending attacker and send an automated reply with the date, time, host address and log file information. Scenario: Attack begins Script sees attack Script blocks out attack Script checks the owner of the netblock and finds their abuse contact Script sends an automated message stating something like: "At 02/17/07 10:20am EST, our host was attacked from a machine in your netblock. The offending IP address is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" I hadn't had the time to finish the whois $attacker|grep -i abuse portion of it though, then I got bored, sidetracked. What I instead do now is, I use the bruteforcer list from cron on all machines I maintain/manage and have those machines auto block out attackers. The theory is if one machine is getting attacked from luzerA, all machines should block luzerA, and they do now: http://www.infiltrated.net/sharpener for those interested in modifying/finishing/tweaking the script. As for creating an RBL such as SORBS or something along those lines. Last I need is a packet attack or political "Take my netblock off!" crap. Hence me not really wanting to bother updating it for the Interweb folk. For those who find it useful, kudos... For those who want to ramble on I have mail filters for you so don't bother. -- ==================================================== J. Oquendo http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1383A743 sil . infiltrated @ net http://www.infiltrated.net The happiness of society is the end of government. John Adams