> Gmail is therefore in violation of the RFC5822. It's quite clear how it should work per the RFC appendix.
Actually, no it's not. RFC5322 reads: "This specification is not intended to dictate ... any of the characteristics of user interface programs that create or read messages".
> For more than one year, I have been accused of breaking the eMail etiquette established by a standard, yet identified.
If multiple people have been asking you for over a year to not change subject headings on emails, does this not indicate a bigger issue regarding your mailing list etiquette? The fact that it continues indicates a complete disregard. I cannot think of one technical reason to include a manual timestamp in a subject line (such as your 202401102221.AYC).
> If we have trouble to keep our communication tool's framework solid, we will be spending needless extra resources on technical discussions. This is not productive.
One person changing the subject line of a mailing list thread every few emails for their own benefit, and no one else, is not productive. There is nothing wrong with MUAs currently in use. A user adapts to the MUA, not the other way around.
> Obviously, I am just barely able to read the exchanges on this thread due to so many terminologies that I have never heard of.
If a number of people on a mailing list were using terminologies that I didn't understand, I would:
1. Listen to and understand what they are saying.
2. Contact them off-list and ask for clarification.
3. Heed their advice.
Christopher Hawker