Steve, Thanks for taking the time to help set the record straight. I did not intend to pull the discussion off the Router Server single-thread crash operational experimental discussion..... I just wanted to have some fun at Gordon's expense, in return for the fun times when he endearingly called my CIDRD-WG posts "Quixotic" (and he was right, BTW ;-) Plus, I sure envy Gordon spending time in beautiful Russia this time of year. Which leads to my next question..... Anyone know when there will be an IETF meeting in that part of the world? That would be a very, very interesting and enlightening IETF to participate, don't you think? Best Regards, Tim ----- Really don't mind if you sit this one out, My words but a whisper in deafness they shout. Can't make you feel, but I can make you think...... ( continuation censored by your Honorable Exon ... ) Ian Anderson