Waveform leverages cloud flare's CDN.I have a worldwide fleet of iperf, netperf, flent and irtt servers folk are welcome to use, as I don't trust the web best tests....On Wed, Dec 28, 2022, 11:44 AM Douglas Fischer <fischerdouglas@gmail.com> wrote:I have recollection of something like embeded quality testing on youtube.
I don't remember if it was a speed test or a latency/jitter test.
I looked quickly to see if I could find it... But I couldn't find it.Em qua., 28 de dez. de 2022 às 13:43, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> escreveu:Does AS15169 have a speed test? It would be nice to gauge the capacity to a particular network that's something laypeople could do. I could host something in GCP myself, but cloud is expensive.
Mike Hammett
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--Douglas Fernando Fischer
Engº de Controle e Automação