On Wed, Oct 29, 1997 at 09:30:59AM -0800, Ben Kirkpatrick, ELI wrote:
Yes, by competition. A smaller telco should offer a better rate at nearby sites. However, then you loose whatever you invested in getting a rack at each NAP.
Well, yeah; but I think the question was: how do they justify that price? Anything _more_ useful than "what the amrket will bear"?
--Ben Kirkpatrick "Consciousness: that annoying time between naps."
This wasn't an _intentional_ pun, right? :-)
PS: Probable ELI OC192 cut 25miles south of Seattle (again). Who's laying new fiber on the I-5 corridor and running us over?
_192_? Wow. Even _I_ don't make mistakes that big... Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com Member of the Technical Staff Unsolicited Commercial Emailers Sued The Suncoast Freenet "Pedantry. It's not just a job, it's an Tampa Bay, Florida adventure." -- someone on AFU +1 813 790 7592