Not at all, what I'm recommending is that people who develop something that is specialized (like netflow analysis software) don't need to expend the person-hours and extensive development time to implement something that has already been better implemented by people who are httpd specialists.
The amount of possible design complexities and security risks that go into shipping a 'stable' versio of apache2 or nginx are beyond the scope of any small to medium sized non-httpd-related opens source software project. Let the apache2 or nginx developers handle that.
It's like saying that because a piece of software communicates with something externally by SMTP, either inbound or outbound email or both, some software developer should take the time to re-implemnt and write from scratch their own SMTP, rather than relaying mail via a postfix daemon running on the same server.
Or because you have a piece of software that queries something over SNMP, don't use the perfectly good ISC SNMP packages that exist for centos or debian to issue snmpgets, but write from scratch your own snmp poller.